Dear reader(s?),
After almost a year of silence, I have returned. Where have I been, you ask? What could possibly keep me so busy that I couldn't spend twenty minutes on a simple post? Did I die in a book avalanche? Did I become so overwhelmed by theory and secondary sources that I spend my days rocking in a corner muttering about Žižek? Did my first semester of teaching college freshmen turn me into a homicidal maniac? The first two scenarios aren't completely out of the realm of possibility. The third is ridiculous because I love my job. I do, really. I can't lie to you, dear friend(s); I've allowed myself to become preoccupied with daily things like this:
Ok, so maybe this isn't exactly normal. That's what grad school does to a person; it turns an otherwise (mostly) sane girl into a zombie bookworm. It could easily turn ugly..... seriously, taking breaks from grading, lesson planning, and studying are important. And what should one do during said study break? Well, let's just say that it hasn't involved blogging. Blogging often feels suspiciously like thinking and writing. It is easy to forget that I enjoy both of those things.
But this sounds like a lot of complaining, doesn't it? Boohoo. Poor Sarah, withering away behind a pile of books. Poor Sarah is doing something that she loves for a tuition waiver and a (very, VERY) modest paycheck. She even finds time for happy distractions from her arduous career path including this latest addition to the family:
Meet Loki. He's a chocolate and tan dappled dachshund. He's a ball of crazy, furry, snuggly, destructive energy, and I'm in love. But why did I get a puppy during one of my most stressful semesters of grad school?
This is why:
You already know Atticus. He's a dapple-red burrower/squirrel chaser/cuddle buddy/ bottomless pit of cute. But he was lonely. See how lonely? Lonely enough to stare at me during finals. Can you feel the guilt emanating from those big sad puppy eyes? I could.
See how distracting? You're welcome.
But wait a minute... isn't this predominantly a food blog? What about the food? Where's the food? It's coming. Actually, it never went away. I have simply been selfish. I'm sorry. To make up for it, I'm going to flood the next post with pictures and ideas. I'll eventually follow up with recipes, but that will come later when I start measuring and can tell you something more specific than dashes, swishes, and generally confusing instructions. Bear with me, dear reader(s). I'm making a comeback.
Yes, they dressed up for Halloween. Don't judge me or call PETA. They liked it. They insisted. They even made me call them "Halloweenies." See the big eyes and ears? See how it provoked play-fighting? Again, I'm a sucker and you're welcome.
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